Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter Late

I am so glad that it is Monday! I know that people don't say that very often, but after the week I had last week I am so glad for a new week!

This weekend was a busy one as well. Friday night we had Brenden sleep over with Kayla. He actually was sleeping over with Grandma but since we live here Kayla got in on the fun as well. There wasn't much sleeping that night. I now know why my parents hated when we had sleepovers when we were little. Saturday It was up early. I had to make sure that "Frank" the Easter bunny had everything ready for the next day. (Kayla's uncle Ian told her that Frank is the Easter Bunny's name last year and it has just stuck.) anyway so I was up early at the stores and getting everything ready for the Easter egg hunt that we had later that day! After all that we went to see Horton hears a who. Great show take your kids they will love it. Than the Easter festivities began. We had an Easter egg hunt and Kayla was so not into it. By this point the sleepover non sleep had caught up to her. she decided it was time for a nap. If you know Kayla at all Naps are not in her vocabulary so I know that she was tired.

After all that the next Day began and Kayla still wasn't caught up all all of her sleep. We went to hear my Grandpa talk in church and she slept through the whole thing. We went to Garcia's with Marc's family for brunch it was okay it wasn't Little America like I wanted but it was good. I finally got a nap. We just relaxed which ended Hell week as I like to call it. I hope that all of you had a great Easter.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day early

This is Kayla in her new shamrock hat!

Mom and Dad cuddling because it was cold.

I have to take pics of myself so that I am included.

Bryan tickling Bridger so that he will smile at me!

B-Ray with his super long hair. He is still so cute!

Patti taking it easy. This is what you do at a parade when you are 8 months pregnant.

Today was a very busy day for us! We woke up early and went to the St. Patrick's day parade. Our family loves St. Patrick's day! If you haven't been to this Parade I highly recommend it. The people watching is prime!
We also had a baptism today for some of our neighbor kids. Kayla had never been to one that she could remember and had tons of questions. She is full of questions all the time it never stops and she never stops talking the only time we hear quiet is when she is sleeping.

Next we went to Melody's Birthday Party! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELODY. this was lots of fun she will be turning 3 on Monday! I can't believe how quickly these kids are growing up!

We also this week had Marc's grandmother pass away. This was very sad but also a good thing. She was sick and suffering so we are happy that she is no longer going through this. We love her and she will be missed. We went to see Marc's mom tonight to make sure that she was doing alright. This is a tough thing but we will all get through this together.

This is just the beginning to a very busy week for us! I hope that all of you have a great week and a Happy St. Patrick's day and Easter!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Marcus

I just wanted to write today and wish Marcus a Happy Birthday! He will be 30 Tomorrow.

I am so grateful for my husband. He is the best Daddy and the best Husband. He is a hard worker and hard Player. He loves to laugh and make people laugh. I am so lucky to have him!