Wow I am so glad that summer is over and it can be my favorite time of year! I am loving that it is finally cooling off. Me and this pregnant belly are so happy! Updates on what is going on with us.
MaKayla is loving school she is so excited to go see her friends everyday. She is loving reading and we are reading everything. I get the question from her all the time. Mom how do you spell this or how do you spell that? I am loving that she wants to learn everything. She is playing soccer again and once again is on an all boys team plus her. I keep telling her that she is going to be so much better than all the girls when she plays on an all girls team next year. She is also enjoying Tumbling, we are trying to keep her busy.( I think that it is a good idea now till I have a new born thrown in the mix.) We enjoy her laugh and her sense of humor.
Marc has been super busy with work. We hardly see him anymore. I think that he is trying to get a ton done before the baby comes so he can spend time at home with us. He is enjoying football season and loves that he can go to his REAL soccer games. He is not looking forward to winter.
Me I am getting huge, I am ready for our new little man to come. I am so excited that we are having a boy! I have a to-do list a mile long. One thing at a time. Life is good for us not much else to report.