Friday, December 7, 2007


1. I love being a mom. I have the funniest daughter who loves to be called Buzz.

2. I have a wonderful husband and a realationship that always keeps me laughing.

3. I love my inlaws not many people can say that they feel as comforatable with their inlaws as they do with thier own family.

4. I am a huge Greenbay Packer fan! I would love to go to Greenbay in the winter and watch a football game.

5. I love to read. If I have a good book I can sit and read for hours.

6. I love to Travel I love to see new things and experience new places.

Now that you have read this you can post 6 things about yourself than pick 6 other people to Tag!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I read your tag!
Love you tons,