So July is like the greatest month ever. My favorite holiday is the 4Th. I get so excited when it comes around. We had the start this weekend. It was Taylorsville Dayzz this weekend. Marc is from Taylorsville so it is kinda tradition. His Sister Kelsee's birthday is on the second so she thinks that it is a kickoff for her birthday celebration. We let her believe that. It is really fun they have a parade and stuff at the park like most Utah celebrations but this year they had a Neil Diamond impersonator He was awesome. I guess that he is the Vegas act for Neil. I would pay to see him again. Than they had a great fireworks show. Kayla for some odd reason hates fireworks. It can't be from me because I have been a pyro since I can remember. It was really fun though.
We also went to see Wall-E it was not my favorite. I don't recommend it. It was cute but you know? Kayla fell asleep and that child never falls asleep. We went with my whole family so it was fun to be together. I love weekends and I know that this month will hold some busy ones.
Hommie.........I don't think it is a kick start to my birthday celebrations........I KNOW IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
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