Today was another HOT day in Utah! I think that they said it was over 100 degrees. It's funny because like three months ago everyone was begging for it to warm up. Anyway since it was hot and Marc wasn't working we finally got to go hiking today! I love hiking. We packed the cooler and the camel pack and headed for the mountains.
We took Kayla and our dog Savy. It was sooo nice to get out of the hot and get some needed exercise. We went to Dog Lake nice 3.1 mile hike! Once we got there I realized how out of shape I am and dreaded thinking about having to hike back out to get to the car. Luckily the hike back was all down hill. Kayla was such a trooper. Marc carried her for most of the way on his shoulders. It's good that he works out and is in shape. anyway it was a fun day just the three of us.