Cheap Trick was okay not the best. They are good but fell a little short in expectations.
Heart was great. My sister and Brother in law will disagree. They played all their classics. Dog and Butterfly, Steamboat Annie, Magic Man, and of course Alone my all time favorite. They played all the songs that made them famous. My Bro and Sis in Law wanted them to play all their radio classics so they were disappointed.
Journey was amazing their new singer Arnel Pineda stole the show. He was like the energizer bunny. He never stopped jumping around and moving. If it was me I would have passed out! They sang some great new songs can't wait to buy the new album. They also played all the old faves. They finished with Faithfully My all time favorite Journey song! All in all a great night.
Saturday was another busy day! We woke up my Nephews have been staying over ate breakfast ran around. My Mom and Me went to my cousin Angie's wedding non shower. It was fun and I am very excited for her. After I met up with Marc and Kayla at Hunter's Birthday party.(Hunter is Kayla's boyfriend.)After the party at the bounce place. We went to Hunter's house his dad is Marc's cousin for a BBQ and fun hang out time.
Today I am tired and just hanging out. I am thinking about going to church but haven't quite decided. I will update more with the rest of the day unfolds.
ahhhhhhh............to be at Journey once again. I will keep dreaming.
Still no email...you???
Looks like a great concert...so lucky!
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