okay so Patti and Pam are going to kill me if I don't update my blog with our pics from the midnight premiere of the new Stephanie Meyer book b
reaking dawn. We had a lot of fun Pam and I met up at the Barnes and Noble by our house with all of her friends. It was Crazy you have never seen so many prom dresses and limos unless you were actually at Prom. After they kicked us out at 11 so they could get ready for the sale, we decided since we weren't there at 5 that morning to get wrist bands we were off to Walmart. This was by far the
best thing thus far that we had done. We were about a third of the way in line which was great since the line went through the whole store. We played cards and laughed finally at midnight it was time to buy. We went up through the line and purchased they were 7$ cheaper than at Barnes and Noble Hello Hooray for Wally World. Needless to say Pam is finished with it already and I have 100 pages left. I haven't neglected my family like her.

Also Kayla started school this week which is amazing considering she had Pneumonia. Saturday night we were out with our friends.(Kaylas boyfriend Hunter) When she started telling me that her head hurt. I felt her head and she was on fire. Quick thinking by Heather she grabbed the Motrin and gave her a dose. We left ran home and took her temp it was 104 scared me to death. We rushed her to kid care. They did a strep test and listened to her. now for people who know she has had some serious asthma stuff. So she
has had a cough for about a week so they did chest x-rays and were a little concerned. We left with an antibiotic and came home. The next day we got a call from the doctor that she was borderline pneumonia. any who she is feeling better and started school.

Finally here are some random pics of Kayla at the Park and her being funny and finally crashing in the car.

Yeah!! You blogged!!-Kayla looks good in glasses!!
Ha that last picture kills me. So funny!
Hi! First, I just got the new book...I know a week later. Are you already done?
Second, I can't find those DANG diaper/purses ANYWHERE??? I so sad!
I am glad she is feeling better! Hunter drew her a princess picture, but I forgot to give it to Mark. I am sure Hunter will save it for the next time he sees her.
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