So last night was our Annual Roethel Family Christmas outing. We normally go to a movie but this year we decided to go see the lights. We started out at my in-laws house having yummy soup in bread bowls. Then went to see the lights on Temple square. It hasn't really felt like Christmas yet this year. I have been having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit. Last night seeing the Nativity and the Christ statue put it in perspective. I had lots of fun and it wasn't too cold. I am Now ready for Christmas.

Our Cute Family

Daddy and Kayla

My other Mom and Dad

Kels and Ian

I had to get one picture of D he isn't looking to thrilled to be there.
hey we missed you...we went on Sunday and we were so COLD!
Hoesch! I am so happy you found me after all these years. Your family is so beautiful! Thanks for stalking me on my blog!
love tristie
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