Today is Marc's 31st birthday. I am so lucky to have him. He has truly been the light in my life. he is always there to make me laugh. He puts up with me and my attitude. He is a great Daddy to Kayla. They have so much fun together playing and building huts. He is the hardest worker I know.( when he is working for himself). He provides for us so that I can be Home with Kayla and be the Mommy she deserves. He is very Frugal and loves to save his money. I was never this way until I married him. I am so lucky that I have him in my life. That he was willing to look past that I was pregnant when we started dating. That he loves me in spite of my imperfections. I love you! I hope that you have a great Birthday!
Sounds like a great hubby! I don't think I have actually ever met him. Maybe at the next Dance function I will. :)
Happy Birthday MarcASS?!?! Is that really how you spell your name? My brother once told a hostess at a restaurant that his name was ThomASS and said it like that. I never laughed so hard- especially since his name is Scott! Hope you had a great day!
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