Cru is now 6 months old.
He is 15 lbs. 30%
26 inches long 65%
I can't remember how big his head was but he is in the 65%
So he is long, Skinny and has a big head.
He is rolling all over the place, Laughing and is a really big mammas boy! We are having lots of fun with him.
MaKayla is turning 7 in two weeks and Graduating First grade. I can't believe how time is flying by. She is loving reading and reads everything. She also thinks that she is an adult and has to be involved in all the big people conversations. I love how funny she is and what a great big sister she is.
We are looking forward to Summer if it ever gets warm and looking forward to some fun family vacations. I promise I won't wait so long in between posts next time.
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