Friday, November 30, 2007

Best Friends

I just had a way cute experience with MaKayla yesterday that I had to share. We went to the mall yesterday to return something that I had purchased without trying on silly me. But while we were there we stopped at pretzel time to share a pretzel. When we were finished sharing our pretzel on one of the benches in the middle of the mall, Kayla looked at me and said this has been a great picnic. I thought that was so cute than we went into Hello Kitty her favorite store. We had purchased some friendship necklaces that had lip gloss in them. She put one on and I asked if I could have the other one she told me no. I than had told her that the other one was for her best friend. Than she looked at me and at the necklace and decided that I was her best friend. I love being a mom and having her to share lip gloss necklaces with.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Start of the Holidays

Well Black friday has come and gone and I spent mine freezing to death. Now I ask who in their right mind thought about having a parade in November at 9:00 in the morning? Somebody who was warm in their car watching everyone who was stupid enough to show up and laugh.

MaKayla was in the Welcome Santa to the mall parade the day after Thanksgiving. It was about 30 Degrees if that. It was full of dance groups which is why Kayla was in it and people who wanted you to go to the mall when you were done at the Parade. Now here is the other dumb thing. The dance groups had to be judged on their costumes. so they had them in sweat pants a turtleneck and hooded jacket. They were not warm. By the time that the Parade was over Kayla had pulled off her ear warmer and her gloves and had snot frozen to her face. But she had a smile on her face because she saw Santa. So in hind site it was worth the freezing temp. to see that.

I also had the pleasure of going to the Nutcracker Ballet with Patti yesterday. I am amazed by these people who dedicate thier lives to Dance. It is so beautiful. I never could have been a ballerina# 1 I have a chest and these women could only dream of tissues to stuff thier bras. #2 I like food to much these girls were so thin you could see thier ribs and their full backbones that is wrong eat a cheeseburger or atleast the cheese; and finally I love dance but I am far to much of a clutz. It really was alot of fun. Patti is always a hoot when we get together and more so since she has been pregnant she has what we call the pregannacy brain.

In all it has been a long and very fun weekend. I hope that all of you are enjoying time with your families. Keep enjoying the Holidays.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I just wanted to add a little note. I am so thankful for my little family. I don't get to express how much they mean to me very often.
My Husband is so loving and so patient with me and Kayla. He works so hard to provide for us and make us happy. I am so lucky that he picked me to be with.
MaKayla on the other hand is lucky to have me. hahaha
No really I love her and I am so glad that I am a mom and have the joy of raising such a smart beautiful loving girl. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am blessed to be her mom.
I just wanted to say I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving and truly reflected on all that they have.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day Before Thanksgiving

Whew for me not having my own house I have sure been busy getting ready for Thanksgiving. I am not even going to be here and I have been cleaning like crazy. I am glad that everyone that will be here will enjoy a clean house.

I love Thanksgiving a day that you can eat and watch football and take lots of naps is a great day! I love Black Friday even more. I unfortunatly will not be able to reap the benefits of this great day this year. I have family events happening that will be worth missing it for. Even though I will miss the fight, I go just to fight even if I don't need anything it is fabulous.

The bad thing about Thanksgiving is that Christmas is right around the corner. I thought that I was going to be done with all my shopping by Thanksgiving I am not even close. I am so excited this year though MaKayla is finally old enough to be excited for the Santa thing. I am also using this to my full advantage so that she will act like she is supposed to because Santa is watching. Oh she is on her best behavior.

I am so excited about this Blog thing it is great! I hope that all of you will enjoy my crazy thoughts and just know that it is me. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving. Remember to be thankful for all that you have!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I need Sleep

So today has been a really lazy day mainly because I cannot get my daughter to sleep in her bed at night alone. For about three days MaKayla has decided that I have to lay in bed with her till she falls asleep and than if she gets up in the middle of the night she is in bed with me. That would be fine except that she is not the only one who decides that she has to be in there with us. Our Boston terrior Savannah has to sleep with us as well. So there we are in a very small queen size bed and who gets kicked out but me. So I have not has alot of sleep lately. I am hoping for the best tonight.

sorry so short I will update more later.